How Does It Work:

Complete an Online Application Form with your chosen course dates

Attend the course and receive your learning pack and the Certificate of Attendance

Complete your Training Portfolio of evidence – prcatical and written assignments. You will require up to 10 friends and family to practice on in your own time after attending the course

Attend a written assessment and show your practical competence

Send in your completed Training Portfolio

Receive your VTCT NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) Certificate


In Detail:

Once you have booked your course on-line and chosen your Start dates from the available list you will receive by return a conformation letter.

You will be required to attend a one or two day workshop on your chosen confirmed date. The length of the workshop will vary depending on the subject chosen.
During the workshop the course notes will be distributed and a qualified therapy lecturer will talk you through any theory work that will be required for the course.

This will be followed by a practical demonstration of the complete treatment procedure plus the opportunity to have hands on experience.

There is also an in-depth DVD available to purchase which demonstrates step by step the practical skill required in an easy to follow concise sequence on each treatment.

There is also a VTCT handbook available to assist you covering frequently asked questions and can be used as a reference guide. This book can be downloaded from the VTCT website on

Students will then go away to complete a programme of home theory study using any books or course notes provided. There will be practical and written assignments which can be completed in the students own time before attending any assessments.